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In this page, you will get to read the information about the introduction, user guide, structure, and the policy of Art de Finance's Launchpad product.
The Art de Finance team has thought deeply to construct the real decentralized-art gallery on 'Artiside' for users and artists to deploy the product.
As the Art de Finance team had selected artists to participate in the Seeding pool internally before, we have decided to give full authority to users to select artists to participate in the Seeding pool through Staking & Voting functions on Launchpad, utilizing Blockchain Consensus Algorithms. Within the Launchpad function, users can not only select artists to participate in the Seeding pool, but also stake their $ADF to earn VP (Voting Power) and receive both the Staking reward and the Voting reward (when the voted artists are selected). Additionally, by introducing the Launchpad product to the users, $ADF Token will have more liquidities and the virtuous cycle.
Artiside Launchpad is built to select artists to enter into the Seeding pool in the most decentralized way by using the Staking and the Voting method.
Scenario #1: Participate as an Artist
The artist wants to participate in the Seeding pool on Artiside. To participate in the Seeding pool, the artist has to apply as an Art de Finance partner artist on "" by connecting their wallet. Additionally, the artist must provide a detailed introduction of themselves as an artist.
The Art de Finance team will proceed with the internal evaluation once we receive the application notification, and the introduction filled out by the artists will be the primary criterion for selection
[Artist Participation Flow]
As an artist to participate in the Art de Finance Launchpad program, there are few things for them to get prepared beforehand:
Artists have to access and sign up by connecting their wallet for the Art de Finance artist by registering with detailed information (Short artist bio, and artwork philosophy).
Once Art de Finance receives the artist registration alarm, the Art de Finance team will proceed with the artist evaluation based on the Short artist bio and artwork philosophy that the artist has written.
The artist who has passed the evidence will receive an artist role and able to mint their works.
Moreover, not only the artist, but also the art DAO is able to participate in the Launchpad program .
The artist with the most VPs will join the Seeding pool the following week after the end of the voting.
[User Participation Flow]
As an user to participate in the Art de Finance Launchpad program, there are few things for them to get prepared beforehand:
Users had to participate in Seeding before participating in Launchpad. If the user already had participated in Seeding, they will get the whitelist authorization.
Users go to the 'Staking' page of the Launchpad program and Stake their $ADF. Once they stake their $ADF, they will get the Voting Power every hour.
Once users receive Voting Power, they can utilize it to vote for the artists. While voting, they can vote not only for one artist but also for two other artists in the Launchpad pool as well.
Once users are willing to receive the Staking reward, they will have to unstake their $ADF first. Once they unstake their $ADF, users have to go to the 'My Wallet' page and click on the 'Claim' button underneath the 'Staking Reward' box.
Once the artist that the user has chosen with the voting is selected, the user will get the 'Voting Reward'. The 'Voting Reward' is claimable on the 'My Wallet' page under the 'Voting Reward' box.
The Staking Reward has constructed as following equation:
Staking Reward is distributing to the users every hour.
Since every staking period lasts for 2 weeks, converting 2 weeks to hours gives 336 hours. Thus, the reward distribution will be divided into 336 parts. In this document, we will indicate each division as 'Time Stamp'.
Suppose, the total reward will decide by total user staking amount when = Total User Staking Amount and = Total Staking Reward / Hr,
, then
However, the total staking reward that will distribute to the users is already decided per each round, they will have to divided into the amount that will distribute to the users, suppose = Total Staking Reward, thus, should be divided by .
Suppose Total Distribution Staking Reward per User = ,
Each timestamp will be considered as an hour. Regardless of when the user stakes, for example, at 4:25 PM or 4:45 PM, they will be considered as 4:00 PM. Thus, the users will receive the same amount of Voting Power (VP).
[In this document, we will indicate Voting Power as VP]
Each VP will be distributed to the users who are participating in Staking every hour.
The amount of VP that the users receive every hour should be * 100 of the total user staking amount. Suppose John staked 1200 $ADF, since, thus, John will receive 120000 VP every hour.
Once the artist that the user voted for is selected, the user will receive an additional Voting Reward.
Acquiring VP through Staking an $ADF Token:
Users can acquire VP through Staking the $ADF they own.
The VP will be distributed to the users every hour once they stake their $ADF.
The VP can be utilized on the Launchpad program to vote for an artist to participate in the Seeding pool.
Launchpad voting and the Seeding Pool Participation
The users can vote for the artists through the Launchpad with their VP. There is no limit on the number of artists users can vote for. Users can vote for every artist participating in the Seeding pool.
Once the voted artist has been selected, users will receive the voting reward.